Why I Cried Going Back To Class After Having Children

Before I had my beloved ninjas I would go to class once or twice a week. It was normal. It was lovely.

Once Connor was born, going to class became a luxury. I had insomniac tendencies before children. Throw two tricky sleepers, tough pregnancies, miscarriages and five plus years of breastfeeding into the mix - exhaustion became my new reality. I still taught but as for going to class for me? It was easier not to go.

Five years on my energy is returning and I have been back to class more regularly.

At times my eyes have filled with tears.

The peace of an hour or more uninterrupted time to move, breathe, chant and meditate has brought me home to the practise and to myself. At times the peace of the class has felt exquisite.

I have managed to practise in the last five years - maybe five minutes before I get jumped on, or meditate - always with the risk ( and reality ) of interruption, but a whole block of time just for me? What a gift!

That hour booked in just for me has a big impact on my week. I know it's coming, I get to fill my tank with peace and beauty, I'm no longer running on empty, my week feels calmer, I have more to give and the memory of the class has a resonance with the power to deliver me back to peace.

My dear mother-in-law said to me in the early days "Yoga class kept me sane as my boys were growing up." I completely understand this now.

Mamas need peace - completely guaranteed and without interruption to restore and replenish.

Class has become my new church - heaven on earth.